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— Arabic proverb
A tree begins with a seed
— Arabic proverb
Een ‘naaimomentje’ kostte Max Verstappen de vierde plaats in de kwalificatie, maar vanaf P6 ziet de Limburger ook kansen in Bahrein. ,,De auto voelt al een stuk beter en we doen het hier redelijk goed.''
Bahrain’s Foreign Ministry summoned Iraq’s ambassador in Manama to protest against remarks by Iraqi officials denouncing the execution of men convicted of a 2014 bomb attack, state news agency BNA said on Jan. 16, Reuters reported
ALGIERS- Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra has been received, Monday in Manama, by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa. Lamamra, who is on a working visit to Bahrain, conveyed to the Bahraini Prime minister the ...
Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale (IMF) ha innalzato le previsioni di crescita economica nel 2016 per la regione mediorientale e del Golfo grazie alla ripresa dei prezzi del petrolio ed alle riforme avviate dai singoli Stati che stanno influendo sulla capacità di attrazione regionale degli investimenti esteri minata però dal problema ...
BAHREIN Manama. 24/05/14. Il governo del Bahrain ha emesso sukuk per un valore di 435.000.000 dollari USA, rimborsabili in tre anni attraverso Noor Bank, ABC Bank e Kuwait Finance House. Leggi tutto...
I Edizione del Corso Executive intensivo di 20 ore organizzato da NIBI, Nuovo Istituto di Business Internazionale, in collaborazione con EXPORTIAMO e ISPI - su " Business In GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL". Il Corso mira a fornire un quadro completo dell’area del Gulf Cooperation Council (organizzazione internazionale regionale che riunisce sei Stati del ...
El principal problema para evaluar la amenaza terrorista es definir con certeza el patrocinio del Estado. A diferencia de hace 20 años, los mayores culpables hoy son Paquistán, Arabia Saudita y Turquía. Irán, a pesar de los desvaríos de su sector de derechas/neocon, no es tan activo en el fomento ...
b Países como Kenya (en África) tienen un mejor posicionamiento en el ranking global. El Salvador se ubica como el cuarto de C.A.b El mal manejo de una marca país implicaría para una nación reducir índices de turismo e inversión extranjera directaNuestra nación se encuentra rezagada en su marca país ...
The Outlook: The trade pact in the works between the U.S. and 11 Pacific countries is likely to significantly benefit the drug, film and tech industries, but most Americans wouldnt notice a big impact.
Australian company profits fell 26% in H2, revenues rose 0.2% H2, CommSec finds.
Vietnamese firms should focus more on promoting their products in Cambodia, the Investment and Trade Promotion Centre of HCM City (ITPC) has said.
The Vietnam Association of Mechanical Industry (VAMI) has requested the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance to adjust the import tax imposed on complete built up (CBU) trucks.
CCTV reprimands Nissan, Shanghai Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar Rover.
Viet Nam's trade deficit with China has continued to widen over the past two months, a recent report of the Ministry of Industry and Trade revealed.
[HANOI] Vietnam will offer to sell a record amount of shares in state-owned companies this year, with the government planning to publicize a list of assets available to accelerate a program that has repeatedly missed targets.
THE RBA’s February rate cut appears to have produced an adrenaline shot to the economy, with new car sales rising 2.9 per cent.
Official ABS data shows number of new vehicles sold in month lifts after Feb rate cut.
Che vron Corporation is planning to increase its asset sales by 50 percent to $15 billion and curtail new investment for the next two years after plunging oil prices squeezed cash flow for the second-biggest U.S. energy producer.Chevrons divestment of oil and natural gas fields and other exploration and production ...
South Korea's leading listed companies saw their sales and operating profits decline in 2014, as the country's top congl
South Korean companies with a higher ratio of foreign shares showed bigger growth in dividend payouts last year, data sh