Vai alla Scheda Paese »There is nothing harder than the softness of indifference.
— Juan Montalvo
There is nothing harder than the softness of indifference.
— Juan Montalvo
Ecuador’s total exports reached US$32,66 billion between January and December 2022, representing an increase of 22.3 percent compared to the same period in 2021, the Central Bank of the country reported on Tuesday. The figures, which show dynamism in foreign sales, were released through the “Report Evolution of the Trade ...
El proyecto, que tiene a PAE y Pluspetrol como socios, podrá transportar hasta 125.000 barriles diarios entre Sierras Blancas, en Neuquén, y la Estación de Bombeo Allen, en Río Negro
De 29-jarige wielrenner Richard Carapaz (EF Education-EasyPost) heeft zondag een leemte op zijn palmares opgevuld door het nationaal kampioenschap van Ecuador te winnen. In Tulcan bleef de olympische kampioen en ex-Girowinnaar (2019) na 178,8 kilometer de neven Jefferson Alveiro Cepeda (Caja Rural-Seguros RGA) en Jefferson Alexander Cepeda (EF Education-EasyPost) voor. ...
The Ecuadorian government stabilized public finances and returned to fiscal surplus for the first time since 2012. With inflation stabilized and unemployment at historic lows, the economy is making way for growth. The Central Bank of Ecuador announced that the national government's fiscal deficit was completely eliminated by the second ...
El Canal de Panamá celebró el lunes 16 de enero el hecho de que en 21 años de un programa de incentivos a la reforestación, dirigido a moradores de las comunidades canaleras, se han logrado sembrar 5 millones de árboles en las áreas de la cuenca hidrográfica de la ...
Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso announced the conclusion of a free trade agreement with China on Tuesday (3rd). According to him, the agreement should increase exports and boost the growth of the South American industrial sector. "Good news for the beginning of 2023. Negotiations between China and Ecuador have been successfully ...
El presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, informó de que han concluido exitosamente las negociaciones de un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre su país y China.
Nacional Contenido Premium: 1Cuando se habla de servicios de mensajería, Panamá se encuentra un tanto estancado ...
By Fernando Soto Estevez The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hinted that he is willing to sign a trade agreement with Ecuador. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said that Ecuador is going to enter the Pacific Alliance. The announcement will be made at the meeting ...
La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos revocó una condena por injuria calumniosa contra el periódico ‘El Universo’ de Ecuador. Esto obligaría a Panamá a actualizar su jurisprudencia.
The ruler of Ecuador was received by the host president and his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, at the official residence. "The meeting was productive and the meeting with the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, and his wife, María de Lourdes Alcívar Crespo, was pleasant," added the Mexican president. An honor ...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank reported the placement of the first blue bond in Latin America by the private company, which took place in Ecuador through Banco Internacional. The total issuance authorized by the corresponding control entities amounts to US$79 million. “These resources will finance the ...
Ecuador will promote its electrical interconnection with Peru with a 500 kilovolt line that will be financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with US$125 million. The project is expected to be co-financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) for another US$125 million. The US$125 million loan from the IDB ...
The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, has signed this Friday the final text of the Communication Law with which he puts an end to the previous regulation, nicknamed ‘Gag Law’, with which he hopes to recover freedom of the press so that the media can “unmask the narco-politicians” operating in ...
The reformist administration eliminated the State’s fiscal deficit in record time altogether, and Ecuador already has a comfortable primary surplus of more than 2 points of GDP. Revenue is recovering, and public spending is decreasing. President Guillermo Lasso commits to Ecuador’s economic reform and consolidates fiscal responsibility in the country. ...
Ecuador's government foresees a fiscal deficit of US$2.6 billion for 2023, lower than initially forecast for this year, and higher economic growth in the same period as part of the draft budget it sent to the Legislature, the Economy and Finance Ministry said Monday. President Guillermo Lasso, a conservative former ...
The government of Ecuador is asking the United States to donate US$5 billion to finance the comprehensive security strategy promoted by the administration of Guillermo Lasso. The Ecuadorian president has emphasized that this amount is required to combat drug trafficking and transnational organized crime. In an interview with Infobae, Lasso ...