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— Mahatma Gandhi
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
— Mahatma Gandhi
T1-C1 heeft er een recordtocht van maar liefst 1.300 km door India op zitten. Achter de codenaam schuilt een mannelijke tijger, die wetenschappers...
India will unveil a series of infrastructure projects this month as part of a plan to invest 100 trillion rupees ($1.39 trillion) in the sector over the next five years, the finance minister said on Nov. 30, in a push to improve the country’s economy.
While the U.S.-China trade dispute, uncertainties about the global auto market and rising costs for developing cleaner cars are common concerns for automakers, the slowdown ...
With India appearing to have exited the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), negotiators remain committed to bringing the country back into the fold as an "indispensable" member of the deal, according to a panel of trade experts.
Franchise operation says its business is ‘isolated’ from the US company’s woes
La fiera "INDIAN CERAMICS 2020" si terrà a Gandhinagar (Gujarat) dal 3 al 5 marzo 2020. L'India rappresenta un importantissimo mercato di sbocco per le tecnologie italiane per la lavorazione della ceramica e del laterizio; Il Sud-Est Asiatico in generale si colloca al secondo posto come area di export della produzione ...
When it comes to sweeping global free-trade agreements, President Donald Trump isn’t the only party-pooper. Two years after Trump withdrew the US from a 12-nation deal known as the TPP, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pulled India out of a 16-nation grouping led by China known as the RCEP. In ...
Even without India in the mix, RCEP will be the world's largest trade pact.
Leaders from 16 Asia-Pacific nations including Japan, China and India have effectively given up on achieving the goal of finalising their free trade deal by the end of this year, according to a joint statement issued on Monday.
Resistance to RCEP stems from concerns domestic market will open up to Chinese goods
Asian countries held conclusive talks on what could be the world's biggest trade pact and there will be an announcement of success at a summit in Bangkok, despite doubts raised by India, , Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said on Monday.
India has set its sights on forging closer trade ties with Asean via an overland route through Myanmar and Thailand, says Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Saudi Arabia has announced that it will invest US$10 billion in Brazil, the equivalent of about R$40 billion. The amount was enthusiastically welcomed by the federal government and is regarded as President Jair Bolsonaro's best achievement in his tour of Asia and the Middle East. ...
Ministers from 16 Asia-Pacific nations including Japan, China and India failed to reach an agreement on creating the world’s largest free trade area at their ...
US notches win after arguing New Delhi gave up to $7bn in annual subsidies to its companies
NEW DELHI: India keeps making last-minute requests after it agreed to terms for the world’s largest regional trade agreement, potentially preventing Asian leaders from announcing a breakthrough next week on the 16-nation pact during a summit in Bangkok, people familiar with the situation said.
SET-listed Tata Steel Thailand Plc (TSTH), the local unit of India's largest steel maker, has won a bid to supply steel products for a high-speed rail project from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima spanning a distance of 253 kilometres.
WITHIN A FEW years, Indian planners hope that bullet trains will reduce the time taken for the 500km (310 miles) journey between Mumbai, the commercial capital, and Ahmedabad, the biggest city in Mr Modi’s home state of Gujarat, from six hours to just two. For now, laws that protect tiny ...
INDIA STAYED aloof during the cold war, happy to be the flag-bearer for non-aligned nations. With the rise of China and the retreat of America transforming international relations, and with India’s growing sense of its destiny as a soon-to-be great power, some observers believed its foreign policy might change, too. ...
INDIA’S INFRASTRUCTURE is creaking, its health-care system even more so. Poverty and inequality remain omnipresent, and now the economy is struggling. Narendra Modi’s to-do list is long. But there are three issues that, if dealt with, could bring about big improvements. The environment is one. Twelve of the world’s 15 ...
India, one of the world’s largest consumers of oil and coal, is investing $60 billion to build a national gas grid and import terminals by ...