Vai alla Scheda Paese »If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.
— Omar Torrijos Herrera
If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.
— Omar Torrijos Herrera
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: Panama60% de la población indígena padece hambre. FAO ha articulado con el Ministerio Agropecuario de Panamá un proyecto para fortalecer la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de estas comunidades.En mi reciente visita el Presidente Varela me hizo una única pero importante petición Por ...
#SucesosCri El director de la Policía, Omar Pinzón asegura que tienen identificados a los autores del crimen de esta tarde en Colón. Afirma que los grupos delincuenciales de Colón tienen 2 caminos: respetar la ley o van a parar a la cárcel. Opina #Panama @protegeryservir.
PN MEP David Casa has tried to coax the European Commission into taking action over the Panama Papers, and the subsequent situation in Malta, by sending a letter to First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans about the political situation on the island.OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri and ...
The request by Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil's to launch a magisterial inquiry regarding the panama papers will include all seven 'suspect persons', one of which is Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Nationalist Party MP and lawyer Jason Azzopardi announced this morning.This morning Busuttil tweeted that the court has accepted his ...
Nobody from the political parties, NGOs or other social partners seems to have listened to the alarm bells Julian Sammut’s sounded over the weekend. Speaking to The Malta Independent on Sunday, the restaurateur had stark words of warning that illicit practices being undertaken by some in the industry could have adverse ...
The Justice Ministry has said that it gave the necessary clearance to all funds required by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja to appoint any court expert, local or foreign, to assist in the Egrant case three months ago.The Minsitry was responding to an article on today's Times of Malta, arguing that the ...
El año pasado, Panamá exportó bienes a China por un valor de 50.9 millones de dólares, 22.9% más que el año anterior.
Any regular citizen has every right to defend himself against a barrage of very public accusations and allegations being made in his or her respect. This is a right guaranteed at law and it is one that no one could argue with.But the problem with the Prime Minister’s chief of ...
The government's head of communications took the Maltese people "to be fools" when he swept governance concerns under the carpet and instead denigrated Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil, the Nationalist Party's executive president has written. In an opinion piece titled 'Corruption has a spokesman', Ann Fenech hit back at Kurt Farrugia, who ...
The criminal complaint filed by Keith Schembri this morning is an attack against against democracy, Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil said this evening.Speaking in a news conference in the Parliament building, Busuttil said We have a situation that instead of investigating Keith SSchembri on corruption, the police are going to ...
Manfred Weber, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament expressed his concern after the OPM chief of staff filed a criminal libel complaint against Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil."I am concerned about the latest developments in Malta. The fact that a Prime Minister's Chief of Staff files a criminal ...
After being elected to Parliament at your first attempt, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has entrusted you with an important portfolio within the OPM. How does that feel?It's flattering, but the fact that we are here means something. It means that we have to work hard to deliver, to act, and ...
Newly-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne plans to focus on “continuing to develop the country’s social structure, and looking at more logical working times” for parliamentarians, amongst others. The Malta Independent contacted the Minister for Health following his victory in the PL Deputy Leadership race on Saturday. He won the ...
Contestant for the PN Leadership Adrian Delia launched his campaign for the Nationalist Party leadership this morning, saying that he is sure that an MP will cede his parliamentary seat should he be elected to the post.Being a new face in the political scene, Delia sees this as an advantage ...
The failure from the side of the police to register reports regarding suspicions of money laundering involving Keith Schembri, shows that the PN needs to keep fighting for the law, Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil said this morning.Speaking in a live phone interview on Radio 101 this morning, Busuttil was ...
The summer silly season is usually a time for politicians to unwind, take a vacation, collect themselves for the coming autumn and to basically give themselves and the populace a break from it all. It is a time not only for politicians but also for the public at large to ...
The European Commission will not involve itself in accusations of dereliction of duty on the part of the police force when it comes to allegations involving the Panama Papers and the more recent Egrant allegations that arose just before the last general election.At the end of last April, Nationalist MEP ...
Updated 3.48pm - Added PN statement Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has asked the courts to examine whether Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri broke money laundering laws when opening secret companies in Panama. In the court application, Dr Busuttil asks the duty magistrate to launch a criminal inquiry into the two men's acts. ...
The concerning fact that half the staff at the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit had tendered their resignation over the course of the last legislature, between 10 March 2013 and 2 June 2017, came to light on Tuesday through a Parliamentary Question.In the private sector, if a company is bought out, ...
PN Leader Simon Busuttil has refused to tell the courts who leaked him the FIAU reports regarding OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri.In a statement, the PN said that Simon Busuttil was called before Magistrate Doreen Clarke to testify in the magisterial inquiry regarding uncovering the person who leaked the ...