Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said the country will maintain close communication with the United States and other nations, and take "appropriate" steps regarding currency policy.
According to the World Bank's 'Migration and Development Review,' remittances to low- and middle-income countries experienced an 8% uptick in the last year, reaching US$647 billion. Of this, Latin America contributed US$145 billion, signifying a regional growth of 11.3%. Mexico, in particular, witnessed a 12.9% surge to US$61.1 billion in ...
Varit utan sponsor sedan år 2019.
A previsão do mercado financeiro para o crescimento da economia brasileira este ano subiu pela sexta vez seguida, passando de 1,84% para 2,14%. A estimativa está no boletim Focus de ...
South Korean chipmakers have reportedly requested that the US government consider an "indefinite exemption" on export controls to China, as they are facing increasing pressure amid an intensifying US-China rivalry, according to industry sou
South Korea's leading kimchi maker Daesang Corp. said Monday it has acquired US food company Lucky Foods as part of its efforts to expand its kimchi business in the United States. Daesang said it acquired all of the shares and facilities of Luck
Dominican Republic’s ambassador to Moscow, Hans Dannenberg Castellanos, has shared during an interview with Sputnik plans for the country to expand its trading horizons by tapping into Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) markets. The strategy focuses on strengthening ties with potential buyers and providing opportunities to Dominican exporters amidst the ...
Argentinian lithium exports witnessed a record-breaking increase of 84 percent year-on-year in the first five months of the year, totaling an estimated US$369 million, the country’s Mining Ministry announced today. The overseas sales figure is “the highest accumulated export total for the January-May period ever recorded,” the government entity stated ...
In an effort to bolster its tourism industry, the government of Argentina has rolled out a program known as 'Argentine Treasures'. As per this initiative, foreign tourists who stay in Argentina for more than three nights are eligible to receive a US$100 gift card. This card can be used during ...
From Elon Musk to Bill Gates and Apple chief Tim Cook, some of America’s biggest business titans have been heading to Beijing, seemingly defying the barrage of doomsayer narratives about US-China friction.
Argentina’s Secretary of Commerce, Matías Tombolini, has highlighted the progress of yuan-based import operations from China, implemented by the Argentine government since last April. These operations have reached an approximate equivalent amount of US$2.721 billion. “Implementing import operations in yuan strengthens our reserves and improves the prospects of net reserves, ...
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has reshuffled a number of ambassadors, including Moscow and Kiev, the two warring neighboring states. The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry, Tanju Bilgiç, will serve in Moscow while Mustafa Levent Bilgen will be deployed to Kiev, the Turkish media reported on June 16.
La multinazionale Usa risponde al protezionismo di Xi con un piano di investimenti che creerà altri 500 posti di lavoro a Xi’an
Svenska exportkreditinstitutet EKN har slutit ett så kallat återförsäkringsavtal med den amerikanska motsvarigheten EXIM.
Brazil is projecting to reach US$10 billion in trade transactions with Russia by the time of President Vladimir Putin's anticipated visit in 2024, according to Brazil's Deputy Foreign Minister Laudemar Gonсalves de Agiar Neto. As Russia is a major exporter of fertilizers and Brazil is a leading importer, Brazil expects ...
South Korea's car exports soared nearly 50 percent on-year in May driven by vibrant demand for eco-friendly cars, particularly in the US market, the industry ministry said Thursday. The value of outbound shipments of automobiles came to $6.2 bil
In a bid to boost earnings, companies are more actively opening new stores and engaging in business negotiations in the United States.
Brazil is projecting to reach US$10 billion in trade transactions with Russia by the time of President Vladimir Putin's anticipated visit in 2024, according to Brazil's Deputy Foreign Minister Laudemar Gonсalves de Agiar Neto. As Russia is a major exporter of fertilizers and Brazil is a leading importer, Brazil expects ...
Bud Light lost its share of retail beer sales in recent weeks following a boycott by consumers over a promotional post by a transgender influencer.
Accountant General Yali Rothenberg spoke to Dror Marmor at the "Globes"-Phoenix Investment Conference about managing Israel's debt, and stressed the economy's need for certainty.
Από την εξωτερική πολιτική μέχρι – και κυρίως – την οικονομική πολιτική οι ΗΠΑ επιδιώξουν να διαμορφώσουν νέους όρους για την ηγεμονία τους