Agências bancárias fecham nesta quinta e voltam a funcionar na sexta
As agências bancárias ficarão fechadas para atendimento presencial ao público neste feriado de 7 de Setembro, Dia da Independência. Nesta quarta-feira (6) e na sexta (8) as agências funcionam normalmente.De acordo com, ...
SENEGAL-COLLECTIVITES / Des organisations mutualisent leurs efforts pour préserver l’environnement à Dakar
Pikine, 6 sept (APS) – Des organisations engagées dans la protection de l’environnement, de l’hygiène et de l’assainissement ont signé récemment un protocole de partenariat en vue de mutualiser leurs efforts dans la sensibilisation des populations, des partenaires et décideurs sur ces questions, a-t-on appris mercredi. Il s’agit du comité ...
InterCement fecha acordo para adiar o pagamento a credores debenturistas
Os credores são formados por três bancos — Bradesc...
Energy demand to grow in line with the economy
Thai energy consumption is expected to grow by 2.5% to around 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOED) this year, driven by economic growth projected at 2.5-3%, the Energy Policy and Planning Office (Eppo) said.
Mozambique greenlighted 742 state projects valued at US$6.2 billion
Mozambique greenlighted 742 state projects valued at US$6.2 billion in the last two years, says Trade Minister Silvino Moreno. He also noted the need for ongoing reforms to improve business conditions. He highlighted that the country has a newly enacted Private Investment Law designed to be more globally competitive. Furthermore, ...
USA Nigeria
Vinci airports begin a US$80M upgrade in Cape Verde
Vinci airports begin US$80M upgrade in Cape Verde. CEO Nicolas Notebaert has promised to boost Cape Verde's economy and airports. He met with President José Maria Neves to talk about a 40-year plan. The meeting also thanked Cape Verde for trusting Vinci with airport management. The company has paid the ...
$100 Oil? What a Price Spike Could Mean for the Global Economy
Analysts see Brent crude climbing to levels last seen in the first months of the Ukraine war after Saudi Arabia and Russia extended production cuts.
USA Kenya
Kenya: Nairobi Declaration Must Leverage South-South Trade, Investment and Know-How to Address the Climate Emergency
[Capital FM] Africa and the Caribbean share deep historical and people-to-people ties. Indeed, the African Union has identified the Caribbean as Africa's sixth region. The shared experience of the climate emergency has created another commonality, and one that presents an existential threat to both regions, particularly for small states.
USA Kenya Emirati Arabi Uniti
Africa: COP28 President Al Jaber Pledges to Push for Action on Climate Finance
[COP28] Nairobi, Kenya -- The COP28 President-Designate, HE Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, announced today a UAE finance initiative that will provide US$4.5 billion to help unlock Africa's clean energy potential. The announcement was made during a keynote address at the inaugural African Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.
USA Romania Regno Unito Ucraina
Ultime notizie mondo. Zelensky, 16 morti in un raid russo su mercato nel Donetsk. Bucarest ammette: «Pezzi di drone russo caduti in Romania»
Il segretario di stato Usa Blinken dovrebbe essere oggi a Kiev, secondo i media ucraini. Gli Usa però non confermano. Intanto il Regno Unito dichiara la Wagner un gruppo terroristico. Nella notte attacchi russi sull’oblast di Odessa e ai confini con la Romania e su Kiev. Negli Stati Uniti, Trump ...