Grupo Altri e BPI lançam primeira emissão de Obrigações Verdes admitida à negociação em Portugal
A emissão de 50 milhões de euros, foi integralmente organizada, montada e subscrita pelo BPI, e destina-se a financiar os investimentos da SBM na construção de uma nova central termoelétrica a biomassa na Figueira da Foz.
Brasile Venezuela
Brazil Will Not Allow Foreign Countries Passage to Attack Venezuela
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Brazil believes that a peaceful solution must be found for the Venezuelan crisis and says will not allow foreign countries to use its territory as a starting point to send military troops across the border in Venezuela, said the ...
Pedofilia: colpevole il cardinale Pell. Il Vaticano: sospeso da ministero, stop contatti con minori
Il principale consigliere finanziario di papa Francesco e ministro dell'Economia vaticano è stato giudicato colpevole da un tribunale in Australia di abusi sessuali su due ragazzini di 13 anni e rischia fino a 50 anni di carcere... ...
Borsa e yuan: chi ha puntato sulla Cina ha guadagnato più del 25%
Con il rinvio dei dazi deciso da Trump gli indici CSI300 e Shanghai Composite hanno guadagnato in un sol giorno quasi il 6% registrando la miglior performance giornaliera dal 2015 ma è da inizio anno che le Borse cinesi stanno correndo ...
Ghana: GIPC Woos African-American Investors
[Business Day] The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has called on the American Business Association including the National Black Association (NBA) to explore and partner Ghanaian businesses to promote their own investments in the country.
Nigeria: Moody's - Rising Foreign-Currency Deposits Will Ease Pressure On Banks
[This Day] One of the global rating agencies, Moody's Investors Service has stated that commercial banks' rising foreign-currency deposits will support the financial institutions' foreign-currency funding and ease liquidity pressure in the banking system.
Burkina Faso
Les femmes cinéastes africaines revendiquent une meilleure place
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 26 fév (APS) - Plusieurs femmes cinéastes venues de plusieurs pays d'Afrique et de sa diaspora ont participé dimanche à Ouagadougou à une rencontre de réflexion sur la situation de la gente féminine dans le domaine du 7e art, avec l'ambition de contribuer à une plus grande ...
Iran’s lawmakers urge foreign minister not to quit
Mohammad Javad Zarif’s resignation offer threatens to exacerbate internal power struggle
Goldman hires 100 staff for new cash management business
US bank tries to steal market share from Citi and JPMorgan and diversify earnings
Cina USA
What shape could a US-China trade agreement take?
Series of key elements to be included in the contours of a possible deal