Pechino ammette “importanti progressi” nel negoziato commerciale Eu-Cina
Il portavoce degli Esteri: “Intesa in tempi brevi” - J. Wuttke, presidente della Camera di commercio europea: “Svolta positiva, vedremo i dettagli”
Health Minister, PharmAccess, HFN Deliberate On COVID Vaccination
The federal ministry of health and the Healthcare Federation of Nigeria (HFN) have seek modalities and the role of public, private partnership in Covid-19 vaccination in Nigeria. This was part of the discussion during a webinar themed “Status of Covid-19 Vaccines in Nigeria: Available options and opportunities for public private ...
Fintrak Software Wins Company Of The Year Award
By Nkechi Isaac, Abuja FinTrak Software, a global Financial Technology (FinTech) organization based in Lagos, providing innovative technology and business solutions to financial institutions and enterprises across continents was recently recognized as The Fintech Company of The Year 2020 at the Nigerian Business Leadership Awards (NBLA). The event which held ...
COVID-19: NIPC Forecasts 50% Decline In Nigeria’s FDI Inflows In 2021
By Kingsley Alu The Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) has forecasts that for the year 2020/2021, a 40-50 per cent decline in Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) was expected , the lowest level in almost 20 years. This is also as the Commission disclosed that its Single Window Investors’ Portal (SWIP) ...
Access Bank Named Nigeria’s Safest Bank In 2020
BY OLUSHOLA BELLO | Global Finance has named Access Bank the ‘Safest Bank’ in Nigeria for the year 2020, following its continued efforts towards the protection of customer funds and data. Global Finance’s annual rankings of the World’s Safest Banks has been the recognised and trusted standard of financial counterparty ...
Russia Sudafrica Croazia
Cosa succede intanto nel mondo
Terremoto in Croazia, Trump firma la legge sulla difesa, l’Europa chiede la liberazione di Zhang Zhan, contagi record in Russia e Sudafrica. Leggi
Leilão de concessão da Cedae está previsto para abril
O leilão de concessão da Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgoto (Cedae) deverá ocorrer no dia 30 de abril de 2021, de acordo com o governo do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A expectativa é que os contratos com as concessionárias sejam assinados até o fim do primeiro semestre de ...
FGV: confiança do setor de serviços tem leve recuperação
Após dois meses seguidos de queda, o Índice de Confiança de Serviços (ICS), divulgado hoje (29) pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Economia, da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Ibre), subiu 0,8 ponto em dezembro e fechou o ano em 86,2 pontos, dez pontos abaixo do registrado em dezembro de 2019. Na média ...
Brasil e Reino Unido assinam cooperação sobre inovação digital
Em nota, o Ministério da Economia explicou que o país europeu passará a colaborar de forma sistemática para a criação de estratégias e a aplicação de soluções em prol dos serviços públicos brasileiros.
Ethiopia: Committee Arises to Assess Damaged Investments
[Addis Fortune] The Office of the Prime Minister has formed a high-level committee that will assess the damage suffered by investments and business entities due to instability in the country. With four institutions as members, the committee has started its operations by requesting that banks and insurance companies submit data ...