• Marketing Internazionale

    How to negotiate in Nigeria

    Nigeria has a population of more than 190 million people. Nigeria's economy is strong and there are many possibilities to do business in this country but the people of Nigeria are largely unaware of the rules of the western world. They have their unique understandings and perspectives on how to conduct business ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    How to behave with Russia

    Russia, as the largest country in the world for surface area, largest natural gas reserves, and world’s leading natural gas exporter is an interesting country for doing business. Russian Federation is an extremely important factor in the economic environments of Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Negotiating with Russian businessmen depends ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    How to negotiate with Brazil

    Each country has its own cultural background and style of thinking and acting. Some countries changed their mentality and adopted international rules and usual form of global business but for other countries, some rules and aspect are still very important. These cultural differences strongly influence the business world. Brazil is the largest ...

  • 21 Nov Italian Innovation Days

    Iniziativa promossa da Agenzia ITA/ICE, Camera di Commercio Italiana a Singapore,CNR, Enea, Confindustria Sistemi Innovativi, Compagnia delle Opere, Enel, Unioncamere, Unioncamere Lazio eUnindustria, in partnership con la rete Enterprise Europe Network e realizzata in collaborazione con la Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, la Singapore Business Federation e la Singapore Manufacturing ...

  • 01 Lug L'ACCORDO DI LIBERO SCAMBIO TRA UE E COREA - Istruzioni per l'uso

    Presentare le reali opportunità di business per le PMI in Corea del Sud, con particolare riferimento ai vantaggi offerti dall'accordo di libero scambio con l'Unione Europea (UE); Spiegare in maniera efficace come ottenere lo status di esportatore autorizzato affinché la merce possa beneficiare del trattamento preferenziale.

  • 30 Giu Asia ed Europa nel XXI secolo, le sfide delle nuove Vie della Seta

    Evento organizzato da IAI con il patrocinio della Camera dei Deputati per approfondire le recenti relazioni e gli sviluppi futuri dell'Asia e dell'Europa.