13 Mar Save The Date: Canada
Si terrà il prossimo 26 marzo il seminario "Le nuove opportunità di sviluppo in Canada", presso l'Agenzia ICE di Roma, promosso dalla Commissione Europea insieme al Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Canada - West, Confindustria, l'Ambasciata del Canada in Italia e lo studio legale ...
SKorea, Canada reach free trade agreement
South Korea and Canada reached a free trade agreement Tuesday that the two governments hope will boost exports and investment.
Canada PM in South Korea for expected trade deal
Canada's prime minister has traveled to South Korea, where he is widely expected to announce a free-trade deal.
CAGLIARI\ nflash\ - La Sardegna, in collaborazione con l'Università di Sassari, ha aderito al progetto interregionale per lo sviluppo della nautica e delle tecnologie del mare in Brasile e Nord America, promosso dall'Ice e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo economico. "La ripresa del sistema produttivo regionale - ha sottolineato l'assessore dell'Industria, Antonello ...
Leaders talk business at North America summit
US President Barack Obama and the leaders of Mexico and Canada have pledged to improve their massive North American trade links at a summit that...
Trade unions in America: Chattanooga shoo-shoo
VOLKSWAGENS factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee, was supposed to be the spot where decades of decline ended for the United Auto Workers (UAW) and for Americas industrial unions in general. Instead, workers dealt the movement a crushing blow on February 14th, voting against unionising by 712 to 626.The UAW has been ...
Fiat, boom dei diesel made in Italy in America. E una fabbrica italiana lavora anche la domenica
Nell'universo Fiat c'è una grande fabbrica (oltre 1.200 dipendenti) che lavora anche la domenica. E persino il giorno del santo patrono. Accade a Cento, in
NEW YORK\ nflash\ - "C'è una bomba ad orologeria che minaccia il mercato immobiliare Usa e l'intera economia americana: l'elevato livello di indebitamento di milioni di studenti americani, costretti a contrarre prestiti sempre più onerosi per pagarsi il college. A lanciare l'allarme è il Washington Post, che parla di una ...
Fiat, boom dei diesel made in Italy in America. E una fabbrica italiana lavora anche la domenica
Nell'universo Fiat c'è una grande fabbrica (oltre 1.200 dipendenti) che lavora anche la domenica. E persino il giorno del santo patrono. Accade a Cento, in
4 Latin America economic powers sign trade pact
The presidents of four nations collectively responsible for half of Latin America's economic output have signed an accord to eliminate tariffs on 92 percent of the products they trade.
06 Feb Il lusso Made in Italy fa gola a tutti
Il Made in Italy, soprattutto il settore luxory, è sempre al centro dei riflettori internazionali. Gli Stati Uniti, si sa sono il primo mercato al mondo in questo settore e nel 2013 hanno superato l'Asia, con vendite pari a 62.5 miliardi di euro. L'Italia si classifica al terzo posto con ...
ROMA\ nflash\ - Continua sullonda positiva del recente congresso nazionale il radicamento del Partito Democratico nel mondo e nascono nuovi circoli in Cina, Albania, California e Argentina. È quanto riporta una nota dellUfficio italiani nel mondo del Partito Democratico, con la quale si dà notizia della formalizzazione degli ultimi circoli ...
Whirlpool Profit Jumps as North America Sales Increase
Whirlpool said its fourth-quarter earnings rose 48%, as the appliance maker posted higher sales, especially in North America.
Sochi Concedes Defeat to Vancouver in Merchandise Sales
With the opening ceremony of the Sochi Games less than two weeks away, millions of licensed Olympic products have popped up on grocery store shelves, toy stores and special retail outlets across the country.
AP, Canada eye partnership in areas of mutual synergy
Optimistic about the long term India growth story and opportunities presented by Andhra Pradesh in crucial sectors of economy, the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), on Friday said both Canada and Andhra Pradesh could work jointly in the ...
MDA leads trade mission to South America
The Mississippi Development Authority will lead a delegation of Mississippi companies on a business development mission to South America from April 24-29.
Canada Cites Google for Privacy-Law Violation
Canada's privacy watchdog said Google violated the country's privacy laws after it used a person's Internet searches about a personal health matter to tailor ads he would see when surfing online.
Google caught afoul of privacy law in Canada
Google has been caught afoul of Canadian law by displaying web ads linked to a person's health history, Canada's interim privacy commissioner says.
U.S. to push for more trade with Latin America
Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker launches Look South initiative to encourage U.S. companies to export products to Mexico and 10 other nations in Central and South America.U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker unveiled a new initiative aimed at increasing business with trade partners in Latin America, only days after the 20th anniversary ...
The practice of foreign policy: Another morning in America
SAUDI ARABIA HAS taken to bemoaning the Obama administrations plans for the Middle East. Europeans are up in arms about spying. China is sneering at the dysfunction in Washington. Latin America feels alternately ignored and intruded upon. These are not easy times for American diplomats. Their country is smarting from ...
Wonkblog: Americas trade deficit is shrinking. Thank fracking.
Some news Tuesday morning about America's trade deficit bodes well for growth. And there may be bigger lessons about the global economy working its way toward a more sustainable balance. The United Stated imported only $34.3 billion more in goods and services than it exported in November, down 13 ...