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There are three sides to every argument. Yours. The other guy’s. And the right side.
— Mordecai Richler

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  • Michela Pelusio a Montreal per Festival Mutek

    L'artista italiana Michela Pelusio parteciperà a Montreal alla 18esima edizione del Festival Internazionale Mutek, dedicato alla promozione della musica elettronica e delle arti digitali. L'evento è previsto per sabato 26 agosto al Monument-National Théâtre Ludger-Duvernay con la performance "SpaceTime...

  • Dubai magnate tied to Trump brand seeks new ventures abroad, including Malta

    During recent trips to Croatia and Malta, a Dubai-based billionaire and business partner of the Trump Organization looked more like a head of state himself — mingling with government dignitaries, receiving a presidential reception and visiting the glittering Mediterranean Sea.Hussain Sajwani met with leaders in the two European nations and ...

  • «La maximisation des recettes ne doit pas se limiter à l’ajustement des taux»

    Spécialiste des questions fiscales et ancien cadre du département des Finances, Mustapha Bensahli apporte à travers cet entretien un éclairage averti sur les mesures de révisions fiscales que prévoit de mettre en œuvre le gouvernement dès l’année prochaine, notamment celle relative au réajustement de l’impôt sur le patrimoine. Selon lui, ...

  • How 'Game of Thrones' became TV's first global blockbuster

    Viewers around the world are eagerly tuning in to watch the seventh season of “Game of Thrones.”That phrase – “viewers around the world” – hasn’t applied to television premieres before. For most of its history, television has been a profoundly national medium. While shows like “Dallas,” “Baywatch” and “The Simpsons” ...

  • Vatican Cardinal Pell faces Australian court on sex charges

    Silent but defiant, Cardinal George Pell made his first court appearance in Australia on Wednesday on charges of sexual abuse, vowing through his lawyer to fight the allegations that have rocked Rome and threatened the pope's image as a crusader against abusive clergy.Pell, Australia's highest-ranking Catholic and Pope Francis' top ...

  • Nigeria missing among countries where women are most sexually satisfied

    Women experience a big difference in sexual satisfaction, depending on where they live in the world. Extramarital dating site Victoria Milan surveyed women from 20 countries to try and discover an average amount of time their partner’s spend focused on their pleasure. The survey involved 6,117 women and found that ...

  • UNHCR steps up response as thousands of Venezuelans seek asylum

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)So far in 2017, the number of asylum-seekers has topped 52,000, which represents only a fraction of the total number of Venezuelans who may need international protection.This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to ...

  • Updated: Pure Maths, Marketing, Accounts with lowest percentage of pass rates

    The MATSEC Examinations Board today held a presentation regarding the results of the Main Session 2017.It was announced that the results of the Main 2017 Secondary Education Certificate [SEC], the Intermediate Matriculation [IM] and the Advanced Matriculation [AM] examinations were published today Friday. School candidates may collect their certificates from ...

  • As Haiti struggles to stamp out cholera, UN urges further international support to combat disease

    Source: UN General Assembly Country: HaitiUN General Assembly adopted a resolution backing the new approach to cholera in Haiti, including the establishment of UN Haiti Cholera Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund.GA/11929 GENERAL ASSEMBLY PLENARY SEVENTY-FIRST SESSION, 91ST MEETING (AM) The General Assembly today reaffirmed its support for the Organization’s new approach ...

  • «Sonatrach doit être gérée avec plus d’efficacité»

    La gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans de nombreux pays est entachée d’irrégularités et de défaillances. Quid de l’Algérie où l’économie est basée sur la rente pétrolière ? En effet, l’Indice de gouvernance des ressources naturelles de 2017 révèle que beaucoup de pays – en fait la grande majorité – gèrent très ...

  • Les secteurs pétrolier et gazier mal administrés dans la plupart des pays

    La plupart des pays sont encore confrontés à de redoutables défis de gouvernance. Globalement, selon l’indice de gouvernance des ressources naturelles de 2017, la majorité des gouvernements administrent mal leurs secteurs pétrolier, gazier et minier actuellement. Cet indice indique que dans 66 pays, la gouvernance des industries extractives correspond au ...

  • Commercio, la ratifica dell'accordo UE-Canada al centro delle polemiche

    (Teleborsa) - Torna la polemica sul CETA, l'accordo commerciale fra Unione Europea e Canada, accusato da più parti di fare gli interessi delle grandi multinazionali e trascurare le piccole...

  • Algérie-Canada : Des opportunités pour les femmes d’affaires

    La mission économique et diplomatique vise à dynamiser et à renforcer les liens commerciaux du Québec avec le Maghreb en favorisant la création de partenariats entre les entreprises québécoises et celles de l’Algérie, du Maroc et de la Tunisie. Le Québec constitue une porte d’entrée pour les femmes d’affaires algériennes ...

  • Marché pétrolier : Le dynamisme des USA freine le rééquilibrage

    La croissance de la production pétrolière des pays non OPEP, Etats-Unis en tête, devrait dépasser la hausse de la demande mondiale en 2018, risquant de miner les efforts de limitation de l’offre engagés par l’Organisation des pays producteurs de pétrole (OPEP) et ses partenaires pour soutenir les cours, a estimé ...

  • Police justified in shooting convicted Hawke's Bay murder Chazz Hall

    Police were justified in the shooting of Chazz Hall, who was later convicted of the brutal murder of his former partner, Napier nurse Victoria Foster.

  • Global leaders unite to eradicate polio

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, WorldTo end the disease for good, government representatives and partners pledged US$ 1.2 billion to protect 450 million children from polio every year.Countries and partners pledge US$ 1.2 billion to protect 450 million children from polio every year ATLANTA (12 June 2017) – Today, ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Cosa esportare in Canada?

    Le relazioni fra Canada e Italia, anche per merito del suo primo ministro Trudeau, stanno facendo enormi passi in avanti anche se Ottawa rimane ancora il 27esimo mercato di sbocco dell'export italiano. Scopriamo insieme quali sono i prodotti Made in Italy più richiesti dai consumatori canadesi. Uno dei protagonisti dell’ultimo G7 ...

  • 15 Giu Il mercato canadese: opportunità per le PMI laziali

    Il seminario "Il mercato canadese: opportunità per le PMI laziali" si terrà il 15 Giugno presso la sede della Camera di Commercio di Latina.  L'evento si incentrerà su come entrare nel mercato canadese, i principali canali distributivi, il sistema doganale, aspetti legali ecc. Un focus sui consumatori, sulle caratteristiche e sulle tendenze ...

  • La crise financière et les projets de tramway en Algérie : quelles alternatives ?

    Merzoug Slimane(*)   1-.Introduction La libéralisation des transports urbains vers la fin des années 1980 a provoqué une forte désorganisation du service et un déséquilibre entre l’offre et la demande. Afin de rétablir l’équilibre et de développer un transport durable, l’Etat a marqué son retour à partir de 2005 avec la création ...

  • Le conseil des ministres approuve le projet de loi portant assentiment au CETA

    Le conseil des ministres a approuvé vendredi l'avant-projet de loi portant assentiment à l'accord économique et commercial global entre l'Union européenne et le Canada (AECG), plus connu sous son acronyme anglais CETA. Le texte devra recevoir le feu vert de la Chambre.

  • Logistica, Dogane e Supply Chain

    Nafta: Trump pronto a modificare l'accordo con Canada e Messico

    Una delle grandi promesse fatte da Trump durante la campagna elettorale che lo ha portato alla Casa Bianca è stata la rinegoziazione del NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), ovvero l’accordo di libero scambio tra Canada, Messico e Stati Uniti. Il tycoon ha definito questo patto un “disastro” per le aziende ...

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