Vai alla Scheda Paese »Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
— Mahatma Gandhi
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
— Mahatma Gandhi
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil, one of the countries hardest hit by the covid-19 pandemic in the world, provisionally banned entry into the country of foreign passengers coming from India, which has been registering successive records of deaths and coronavirus infections for several days. The decree published in an ...
In India, l’espansione demografica, il costante miglioramento delle condizioni economiche e sociali, lo sviluppo del comparto manifatturiero e digitale hanno portato il paese ad essere annoverato tra le super potenze internazionali. Il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita dei cittadini si è tradotto fin da subito in una maggiore attenzione alla ...
The EU’s push to deepen its ties with India as well as other Asian nations comes as tensions with China grow.
Push comes as Brussels and New Delhi look to counter China’s rise
Mais de 414,1 mil casos da doença foram confirmados na Índia nas últimas 24 horas, um novo recorde global Opositores do primeiro-ministro da Índia, Narendra Modi, estão aumentando a pressão para que o governo decrete um novo “lockdown” em todo o país para controlar a grave segunda ...
Bruxelles ha ribadito che intende sospendere i suoi sforzi in vista di una rapida ratifica del recente accordo sugli investimenti con la Cina
Negotiations that stalled in 2013 now seen as vital to respond to China’s rise
Il primo ministro, dopo aver usato toni trionfalistici, paga il prezzo della sua pessima gestione della pandemia: perde elettori, credibilità e partner internazionali. Leggi
Turkey ranked third in the world after China and India with an annual growth of 1.3 million tonnes in LNG imports in 2020, according to the latest report of the International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers (GIIGNL).
First City Monument Bank (FCMB), in partnership with Tulsi Chanrai Foundation (TCF) of India, has carried out free eye surgeries, correctional testing services and provided glasses to over 300,000 Nigerians. The bank in a statement yesterday, said the gesture was under its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme, tagged Priceless Gift ...
India’s new coronavirus cases have stayed above 300,000 for a sixth consecutive day yesterday, while its armed forces pledged urgent medical aid to help battle the staggering spike in infections overwhelming its hospitals and even the crematoriums. Many countries including the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States have pledged ...
The first emergency medical supplies trickled into COVID-stricken India on April 27 as part of a global campaign to staunch a catastrophic wave in the latest pandemic hotspot, with the United States also pledging to export millions of AstraZeneca vaccines.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In preparation for the Climate Summit, Brazil met on April 8th with China, India and South Africa to argue that rich countries should finance actions against global warming. At the meeting, a Basic forum environment ministers' conference comprising the four countries, the Brazilian government helped ...
16:29 Nu India in volle tweede coronagolf nog meer voor ‘eigen vaccins eerst’ kiest, kan ’s werelds grootste producent, het Serum Institute van de miljardairsfamilie Poonawalla, veel minder AstraZeneca-shot...
Un incontro tra l’eccellenza italiana nell’ambito della circular economy e le opportunità di un’economia in continua crescita come quella indiana. È questa l’ottica alla base di un nuovo, importante progetto pilota concretizzatosi lo scorso 25 marzo, con l’inaugurazione di un impianto per...
India has reported yet another new record of daily coronavirus cases as hospitals in the capital, New Delhi, and other parts of the country overflow with patients and experts warn the healthcare system is teetering on the brink of collapse. The health ministry revealed on Sunday that 261,500 cases were ...
Currency reverses strong start to 2021 on fears surging outbreak will wreak havoc on economy
22:35 India heeft zondag de export van het antivirale medicijn remdesivir verboden. Dat geneesmiddel gebruikt wordt bij de behandeling van Covid-19.
India has administered more than 90 million doses of coronavirus vaccines amid a deadly second wave of infections. The country has been reporting an average of more than 90,000 cases of COVID-19 every day since 1 April. Everyone above the age of 45 is now eligible for jabs, which are ...