Portugal teve segunda maior taxa de malparado na União Europeia em 2017
Portugal tinha, em 2017, a maior segunda maior proporção (2,7% do PIB) de passivos contingentes relacionados com parcerias público-privadas fora do balanço e de crédito malparado (1,3%) da União Europeia, divulgou esta quarta-feira o Eurostat.
Correios espanhóis querem entrar no mercado português
Os Correos espanhóis anunciaram que as principais linhas estratégicas para 2019 são o crescimento internacional para Portugal e para o sudoeste asiático, de forma a aumentar as suas receitas e conseguir ser rentável.
Brasile Uruguay
Mercedes pede abertura, porém gradual
O mercado brasileiro não é grande o bastante para manter seu parque automotivo, afirma o presidente da Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, Philipp Schiemer. Para o executivo, a abertura econômica - desde que gradual, ressalva - é o caminho para as empresas alcançarem a competitividade necessária para exportar a qualquer parte do ...
Costa D'Avorio
Côte d’Ivoire, un député pro-Soro condamné à un an de prison pour un tweet !
La capitale économique ivoirienne, Abidjan a été hier mardi 29 janvier 2019, le théâtre d’un des procès les plus iniques et honteux de l’histoire de ce pays. On jugeait un député au mépris de la loi ivoirienne. Au terme d’un procès bâclé et biaisé, un juge aux ordres condamnait le ...
12,080 teachers seek promotions from TSC
Nakuru Knut branch has the highest number of teachers who want promotion at 401.
Brasile USA
Brazil dam collapse toll rises to 84, mining firm's output to be hit
Three US law firms making moves toward starting a class-action lawsuit against the miner.
Corea del Sud
[Advertorial] Eximbank employees volunteer at soup kitchen
The Export-Import Bank of Korea said Wednesday that its employees had taken part in a volunteer activity near Seoul Stat
Cina USA
Trade Talks With China Open in Washington, as Obstacles Abound
The window for negotiations ahead of a March 2 deadline is narrowing.
Heavy Security Presence In Abakaliki Awaiting PMB
Abakaliki the Ebonyi State capital on Wednesday witnessed heavy presence of security operatives deployed to strategic positions to maintain law and order as President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to campaign for votes. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the operatives were already at their respective positions at 7 a.m. ...
CBN Injects $210m Into Inter-Bank Market
The Central Bank of Nigeria, on Tuesday, injected another sum of $210m into the inter-bank foreign exchange market.This was the continuation of its periodic intervention in the foreign exchange market, Figures released by the CBN indicated that authorised dealers in the wholesale segment of the market received $100m, while the ...