Brasile USA
Federal Government Accounts end 2019 With a R$95 Billion Shortfall
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Under the leadership of Economy Minister Paulo Guedes, the federal government's accounts ended 2019 with a shortfall of R$95 billion (US$24 billion). This was the sixth consecutive year of The post Federal Government Accounts end 2019 With a R$95 Billion Shortfall appeared first on The Rio ...
Brasile Portogallo
Portugal Ends Tax Haven for Retired Foreign Pensioners
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Portuguese socialist government will end this year with the "tax haven" for foreign retirees. Once the annual budget has been approved, new foreign residents will pay income tax of ten percent of their pension. Portugal has been implementing a tax incentive program since 2009, ...
Rio Hotel Occupancy for Carnaval Reaches 78.4 Percent
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With less than a month to go until Carnival, the average number of confirmed reservations for the period at Rio de Janeiro's hotels has reached 78.4 percent, an increase of more than four . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe ...
Brazilian Postal Service Will Be Privatized in 2021, Says Secretary Mattar
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Secretary of Privatization of Bolsonaro's government, Salim Mattar, said on Wednesday, January 29th, that the deadline to privatize Telebras is July 2021, the 'Correios' (Postal Service) in December of the same year, and the 'Empresa Brasil de Comunicação' ("Brazilian Communication Company" - EBC) in ...
Brasile USA
Latin America Expected to Grow 1.6 Percent in 2020 and 2.3 Percent in 2021, Says IMF
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Alejandro Werner, director of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Western Hemisphere Department, said that low growth in Latin America and the Caribbean The post Latin America Expected to Grow 1.6 Percent in 2020 and 2.3 Percent in 2021, Says IMF appeared first on The Rio Times.
Kenya Nigeria
Proposal comes at a time the county is ranked as having high cases of SGBV cases, especially in the slums
If Bill becomes law, Nairobi may join South Africa, Rwanda, Nigeria who have safe homes for GBV victims, survivors
Apple condannata per brevetti copiati per iPhone e iPad: dovrà risarcire danni per 837 milioni
Brevetti copiati: Apple e Broadcom sono state condannate da una giuria di Los Angeles a un risarcimento danni rispettivamente di 837 e 270 milioni di dollari a favore del California Institute of...
Apple e Broadcom condannare a risarcire il Caltech di Pasadena
(Teleborsa) - Apple e Broadcom, coinvolte in una causa per la violazione di brevetti a Los Angeles, sono state condannate dai giudizi al pagamento di una multa. La casa della Mela morsa dovrà pagare...
Apple, multa da 837 milioni per violazione brevetti
Apple e Broadcom sono state condannate da una giuria di Los Angeles a un risarcimento danni rispettivamente di 837 e 270 milioni di dollari a favore del California Institute of Technology
Executivo compensou R$ 2,5 bi em gastos de outros Poderes em 2019
O Poder Executivo compensou R$ 2,496 bilhões de gastos do Judiciário e do Ministério Público da União para garantir o cumprimento do teto federal de gastos em 2019. A lista foi divulgada no início da noite pelo Tesouro Nacional. A emenda constitucional do teto de gastos definiu que o Executivo cedesse ...