Vai alla Scheda Paese »Great nation is a nation that respects the services of the heroes.
— Kusno Sosrodihardjo
Great nation is a nation that respects the services of the heroes.
— Kusno Sosrodihardjo
Il Sottosegretario Manlio Di Stefano ha aperto questa mattina il webinar “Italy-ASEAN Space Cooperation for Emerging Global Challenges”, organizzato dalla Farnesina in collaborazione con ICE Agenzia. L’evento fa seguito all’ottenimento da parte italiana, lo scorso settembre, dello status di partner...
Il Sottosegretario Manlio Di Stefano ha aperto questa mattina il webinar “Italy-ASEAN Space Cooperation for Emerging Global Challenges”, organizzato dalla Farnesina in collaborazione con ICE Agenzia. L’evento fa seguito all’ottenimento da parte italiana, lo scorso settembre, dello status di partner...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Thursday, November 26th, ratified his country's formal request to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). "We want to express what we did at the beginning of the year in writing, ...
The long-awaited Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was finally signed on Nov 15 during a virtual meeting between leaders of the 10 Asean member states and five dialogue partners — China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
Mentre il resto del mondo combatte contro la seconda ondata della pandemia di Covid-19, dall’oriente arriva un’alleanza in grado, secondo i paesi firmatari, di risollevare le sorti dell’economia globale. Ci sono voluti quasi dieci anni ed oltre trenta cicli di negoziazione prima che, domenica 15 novembre, i leader di 15 paesi ...
Turkey should increase its exports to Indonesia, which currently total less than $300 million annually with the bilateral trade deficit around $1 billion, the Turkish trade minister said on Nov. 16.
JAKARTA: Indonesia's new sovereign wealth fund will offer dedicated industry funds in a bid to drum up $15 billion (543 billion baht) and deepen access to global capital by Southeast Asia's biggest economy, finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati told Reuters.
Export and tourism-related stocks are likely to reap benefits from the new Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement, which includes 15 countries and was signed over the weekend at the 37th Asean Leadership Summit.
JAKARTA: Indonesia reported its biggest trade surplus in nearly a decade in October, larger than expected, as imports plunged, statistics bureau data showed on Monday.
China and 14 other countries agreed on Nov. 15 to set up the world's largest trading bloc, encompassing nearly a third of all economic activity, in a deal many in Asia are hoping will help hasten a recovery from the shocks of the pandemic.
The pact includes Japan, China and members of ASEAN and will cover nearly a third of the global economy.
Nella religione islamica, che fonda il suo culto più sull’ortoprassi che sulla dottrina, anche la moda deve rispettare alcune caratteristiche per essere halal, cioè lecita. Per rispondere alle esigenze delle donne musulmane, infatti, nasce la cosiddetta “modest fashion”. Un mercato del valore di miliardi di dollari che permette alle donne ...
BACKGROUND My name is Sandra Michael Washachi, I hail from Bali Local Government Area of Taraba State and I attended Command Children School and Armed Forces Command and Staff College Day Secondary School both in Jaji, Kaduna. I obtained diploma in Law and graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria ...
Thailand will attend the signing of the long-awaited Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at the 37th Asean Summit under the chairmanship of Vietnam next week.
The United Kingdom has maintained strong and warm ties with Asean ever since the regional bloc was formed in 1967. This longstanding economic partnership has allowed bilateral trade in goods and services to reach approximately £42 billion today.
A key sticking point remains whether the two companies merge all operations or whether Grab acquires Gojek’s business only in Indonesia.
Il giorno Giovedì, 29 ottobre 2020 alle ore 9.30 – 11.30 (CET time) si terrà il Webinar live Guida all'Internazionalizzazione d'Impresa nel Sud-Est Asiatico ed in Tailandia. Negli ultimi anni, i Paesi ASEAN (Indonesia, Malesia, Filippine, Singapore, Tailandia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambogia e Brunei), si sono affermati come un primario polo produttivo e un catalizzatore ...
Thai Beverage, the Singapore-listed Asean food and beverage company, is expanding its food business in the domestic market, vowing to splash about 1 billion baht on its food empire in fiscal 2021, starting from Oct 1.
The government hopes the measure will draw investment. Labor leaders say that workers’ protections will be slashed, particularly for women.
Critics say loss of autonomy would shake confidence in south-east Asia’s largest economy
Se il mondo vuole evitare una catastrofe climatica, saranno necessari milioni di dollari di investimenti sostenibili ogni anno da qui al 2050. Gli investitori hanno già dimostrato un forte appetito per i "green bond" che finanziano progetti ambientali e di questi esiste anche un’alternativa conforme alla Shari’a, simile a un'obbligazione, ...