Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
This tiny Baltic nation is set to complete Europe’s first new liquefied natural gas project since Russia set off a race for energy security with its invasion of Ukraine.
L’Ucraina ha ottenuto dai suoi creditori internazionali una moratoria di 2 anni sul suo debito estero, stimato in 20 miliardi di dollari. Attesa per la riunione d’emergenza delle 21 di oggi del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite per discutere la situazione della centrale nucleare ucraina di Zaporizhzia, che Kiev ...
The government will roll out a set of measures to ease the economic impact of the global fuel crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, said Krisada Chinavicharana, permanent secretary of the Finance Ministry.
Entra pienamente in vigore dalla mezzanotte di oggi il divieto di importare carbone dalla Russia per gli Stati membri dell’Ue, misura inclusa nel quinto pacchetto di sanzioni stabilito dall’Unione europea ad aprile. Le forze russe che occupano la centrale nucleare ucraina di Zaporizhia si preparano a collegarla alla Crimea e ...
Uno stop totale e immediato del gas dalla Russia porterebbe i Paesi dell?area euro in recessione, con un impatto sulla crescita del Pil pari all?1,7% sentenzia il Mes, il Meccanismo...
Some European companies that cannot directly engage in trade activities due to sanctions want to sell their products to Russia via Türkiye, people from local exporters’ associations have said.
Kyiv and Moscow accused each other of striking Europe’s largest nuclear site on Aug. 5, causing a reactor stoppage as three grain ships departed Ukraine under a deal to avert food shortages.
While Brazil feels the impacts of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a new geopolitical conflict may affect even more the Brazilian economy: the crisis between China and Taiwan, after the visit of the president of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan shakes . . . ...
Sales from the Laleli, which is one of Istanbul’s textile products and apparel retail centers, to Russia have quadrupled since May amid the economic sanctions imposed on Russia due to the war in Ukraine.
The maritime insurance industry says policing oil transactions is not workable, raising questions about enforcement of a buyers’ cartel.
State energy subsidies have assumed a prominent role in the Thai economy since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war in February.
The outlook for Germany, Europe’s largest economy, is clouded by the fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Moscow and Kyiv on July 29 accused each other of bombing a jail holding Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russian-held territory, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky saying more than 50 were killed and calling the attack a war crime.
It is now time to focus on mediating for a ceasefire in Ukraine after Kiev and Moscow agreed on the resumption of grain export to world markets, the Turkish top diplomat has said, urging all the third parties to lend support to the diplomatic efforts to this end.
Zelensky, aumenteremo export elettricità verso Ue. Kiev accusa Mosca di abbandonare i soldati morti per non pagare famiglie
WASHINGTON: Despite damaging Western sanctions imposed on Moscow in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia's economy appears to be weathering the storm better than expected as it benefits from high energy prices, the IMF said Tuesday.
The revision to Cabinet Office projections highlights the impact of Russia's war in Ukraine, China's strict COVID-19 lockdowns and a weakening global economy.
Russia said its missile barrage on a Ukrainian port central to a landmark grain export deal had destroyed Western-supplied weapons, after the attack sparked an outcry from Ukraine’s allies.
The revision to Cabinet Office projections highlights the impact of Russia's war in Ukraine, China's strict COVID-19 lockdowns and a weakening global economy.
The deal between Moscow and Kyiv to allow for the export of Ukrainian grain is helping push global prices lower, but it won't translate into a slug of new exports soon.
The U.S. proxy war against Russia over Ukraine continues on digital networks. Microsoft has taken control there on the orders of the Pentagon, thus also receiving additional funding. Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov says that Microsoft is carrying out an order from the Pentagon and U.S. special services to ...