Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Il timore è che la app sia usata per spiare gli americani e censurare contenuti. La legge bloccherebbe tutte le transazioni da qualsiasi social media company che agiscono sotto l’influenza di Cina e Russia
The United States on Dec. 9 expressed alarm over a "full-scale defense partnership" between Russia and Iran, describing it as "harmful" to Ukraine, Iran's neighbors and the world.
Trade between Brazil and Russia has already reached US$8.8 billion, according to the Brazilian ambassador in Moscow, Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares. "By November 2022, our trade has risen to US$8.8 billion, a record number," the diplomat said during a webinar. Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares was convinced that Brazil ...
Senior officials from Turkish and Russian foreign ministries have launched talks for a review of the latest developments in Syria and Ukraine as well as the implementation of the grain deal.
Türkiye and Russia will hold political consultations on Dec. 8 and 9 in Istanbul, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
HANOI: Vietnam is eyeing a major defence shift as it seeks to reduce its reliance on Russian arms and launch a push to export locally made weapons, officials and analysts said, with possible buyers in Africa, Asia - and potentially even Moscow.
L’Ungheria ha bloccato l’adozione all’unaniminità, nel consiglio dei ministri dell’Economia in corso a Bruxelles, del pacchetto proposto per l’assistenza macrofinanziaria pluriennale all’Ucraina. Il governatore della regione russa di Kursk, al confine con l’Ucraina, ha annunciato oggi che un drone ha attaccato un aeroporto dopo che ieri Mosca ha accusato Kiev ...
While Russia’s economy has not collapsed, an exodus of Western companies is eroding hard-won progress, and experts say the worst may be yet to come.
Il Consiglio Ue vara il price cap sull’import di petrolio russo, una misura che Mosca dichiara di «non accettare». In Ucraina bombardata per 28 volte in 24 ore la regione meridionale di Kherson, con l’esercito russo all’attacco anche di un centro clinico oncologico. Nel frattempo Putin paventa una visita nel ...
The unexpected oil crisis emerging from the oil embargo against Russia, the world’s second largest crude oil exporter, has piled pressure on energy prices, supply shortages, and economic recession worldwide. The renewable energy benefits are currently absorbed beyond their actual purposes to build growth of clean energy for a sustainable ...
The European Union and the United States are treading precariously close to a major trans-Atlantic trade dispute at a time when the two Western giants want to show unity in the face of challenges from Russia and China.
Scattata l’allerta antiaerea in tutta l’Ucraina. Il ministero dell’Interno ucraino afferma che i russi hanno rapito diversi sindaci nell’oblast di Kherson, portandoli sulla sponda est del Dnipro. Il Cremlino denuncia invece come «azione di guerra» contro i russi ortodossi il blitz ucraino nel «covo di spie» del Monastero delle grotte ...
Informally working real estate agents from Russia and Ukraine are adding to problems in Antalya’s property market, pushing up further already elevated prices and rents in the city.
By Max Biederbeck-Kettterer, Rüdiger Kiani-Kreß Under Minister Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Ministry is preparing a further escalation in the power struggle against China amid a bitter dispute with Russia. This is evidenced by excerpts from the draft for a new German China strategy, which is circulating in recent media ...
The global economic map is rapidly transforming, with trade and investment between the U.S. and Europe booming as Russia's war in Ukraine and fraying ties between the West and China draw the transatlantic allies closer.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Díaz-Canel, who is visiting Moscow, will discuss the prospects for a bilateral strategic partnership on November 22, the Kremlin reported. "It is planned to discuss the current status and development prospects of the Russian-Cuban strategic partnership in the political, commercial, economic, cultural ...
Shunichi Suzuki said the economy is facing headwinds from accelerating inflation, driven by surging commodity prices due to Russia's war in Ukraine and the yen's ...
A total of 88 Ahiska Turks living in the Ukrainian city of Kherson have been transferred to Türkiye via Russia and Georgia, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Nov. 20.
All the parties should fully implement the grain deal, which has been prolonged for another 120 days, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said, recalling that Russia’s demands should also be fully addressed.
Kiev, ancora bombardamenti e arriva la prima neve. Intesa Russia-Ucraina sull'export di grano prolungata si altri 120 giorni. Nella notte nuovi bombardamenti in diverse regione ucraine. Kiev informa di due missili russi caduti sulla capitale, e i filorussi di due morti in un attacco ucraino a nord di Zaporizhzhia. Segnalate ...
Russia on Nov. 14 denied "as the highest level of fake" reports that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had been hospitalized on his visit to Indonesia for the G20 summit.