Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
La premier Meloni ieri a Kiev, dopo una sosta a Bucha e Irpin, ha incontrato il presidente ucraino Zelensky e ha ribadito il pieno appoggio all’Ucraina. “L’Italia - ha annunciato - lavora ad una conferenza sulla ricostruzione da tenersi in aprile”. Zelensky ha criticato la posizione di Berlusconi. Sarà esaminata ...
Japan will chair the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the G7 nations in the Indian city of Bengaluru.
Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ordered Saturday by decree the nationalization of lithium, an essential mineral for the manufacture of electric batteries, with the aim that a foreign country cannot exploit this resource. "What we are doing now (...) is to nationalize lithium so that it cannot be exploited ...
The world's economy and businesses have suffered from the Russia-Ukraine war over the past year, hamstrung by high energy prices, inflationary pressure and logistics disruptions.
A week before the first anniversary of the invasion launched by Moscow to once again dominate Ukraine as in the times of the USSR, the Russian Foreign Minister proclaimed Wednesday that Russia wants to end what he calls the Western “monopoly” on “global affairs.” Serguei Lavrov assured that the future ...
According to the decision approved by the Ministers of Economy and Finance, the list of tax havens updated by the European Union includes sixteen territories: the four added Russia, Costa Rica, the British Virgin Islands, and the Marshall Islands; Panama, American Samoa, Fiji, Guam, Palau, Trinidad and Tobago, Samoa, the ...
Russia's gas trade with Europe has been based on thousands of miles of pipes beginning in Siberia and stretching to Germany and beyond.
Russia’s State Duma introduced a bill late on Feb. 11 setting discounts for Russian oil exports, according to the lower house of parliament’s website.
Ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, cosa significa in concreto per l?Italia il rafforzamento della partnership con Azerbaigian e a che punto siamo sul fronte della...
Economic sanctions against Moscow have seen an estimated $350 billion in state assets, foreign reserves and oligarch property frozen by Western banks and officials.
Le forze russe hanno attaccato con droni la notte scorsa tre infrastrutture energetiche nella regione di Dnipropetrovsk, nell’Ucraina centrale, provocando ingenti danni. Gli Usa parleranno con partner e alleati, compreso l’Opec, dopo la decisione di Mosca di tagliare la produzione petrolifera. Primo lotto di antiaerea lituana arrivato nel Paese. Intelligence ...
Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in Mali early Tuesday for talks with its junta leaders seeking Moscow's help in battling an Islamist insurgency that remains entrenched despite years of fighting.
Il webinar "Proprietà Intellettuale in Russia. Novità Giuridiche d’Interesse per l’Industria Italiana a Seguito della Crisi Russo-Ucraina" si terrà il 13 febbraio dalle ore 14:30. Il webinar si propone di offrire uno spaccato del nuovo scenario in Russia nel settore della proprietà intellettuale, delineando i provvedimenti legislativi adottati a livello interno ...
Europe’s and America’s gradual restrictions on Russian oil trade are raising the stakes in a protracted economic standoff that is reshaping the global energy market.
Drop in prices of key food items linked to planned importation of duty-free grain and recent short rains. The Russia-Ukraine conflict and Covid pandemic are also said to no longer affect food costs.
The coalition imposing the measures set the new price caps at $100 per barrel on products that trade at a premium to crude and $45 ...
The outlook for the global economy is growing slightly brighter as China eases its zero-COVID policies and the world shows surprising resilience in the face of high inflation, elevated interest rates and Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine.
Rising interest rates by central banks to combat inflation and the impact of Russia's war in Ukraine on markets are the main factors running through the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) economic outlook update for Latin America. In this new report, the organization projects that the economy of Latin America and ...
A surge in trade by Russia’s neighbors and allies hints at one reason its economy remains so resilient after sweeping sanctions.
Dall’inizio della guerra in Ucraina centinaia di migliaia di russi hanno lasciato il paese. Mosca vuole far tornare chi, come gli informatici, è utile all’economia nazionale Leggi
Nel pomeriggio call telefonica tra Meloni, Biden, Scholz, Macron e Sunak su situazione in Ucraina. Via libera di Berlino all'invio di 14 Leopard 2 all’Ucraina. La Germania inoltre autorizzerà al più presto i partner che vogliono consegnare i propri tank a Kiev (un’ottantina in totale) ed in breve tempo comincerà ...