Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Opinion) The growth of renewable energy in Latin America is often attributed to Chinese influence, which is indeed significant. Chinese companies produce about 90% of the wind and solar technologies installed in the region. China's State Grid controls over half of Chile's regulated energy distribution. Additionally, China has made substantial ...
[allAfrica] Washington, DC -- More than 1,000 participants are expected for the U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Gaborone July 11-14, hosted by the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) and the Government of Botswana with a focus on "enhancing Africa's value chains". CCA is the leading U.S. business association devoted solely to ...
It is "critical" for Washington and Beijing to keep working together on climate finance, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Saturday, urging deeper cooperation in addressing the "existential threat" of global warming.
A Petrobras concluiu nesta sexta-feira (7) o leilão que vai permitir a empresa romper mais uma fronteira na indústria de exploração de petróleo. A Gerdau S.A. – que atua em ...
A study conducted by Sebrae and Ipea, based on data from IBGE, reveals that 716,000 small businesses closed between March and June 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in losses totaling R$ 24.1 (around US$5) billion. The trade and services sectors were particularly affected, and the real impact of ...
Thailand expects exports to South Korea to increase by 2% this year to US$6.52 billion, partially helped by a deeper trade partnership through a so-called mini-free trade agreement (mini-FTA) with the South Korean provinces of Gyeonggi and Pusan.
O cenário do mercado brasileiro de chocolates hoje é promissor, tanto em termos de produção e exportação, quanto de geração de empregos. A indústria de chocolates responde pela geração de cerca de 23 mil empregos diretos, de acordo com dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS), relatório de informações ...
[IPS] New York / Brussels -- By Bhumika Muchhala and María José Romero
The vice president and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (Mdic), said on Thursday, 6, that there is a forecast of R$106.16 (over US$20) billion in resources for reindustrialization in the four years of Lula's government between financing and non-reimbursable sources. Alckmin presented the figures at the National Council ...
Argentina and Brazil, South America's largest economies, took aim at an "unacceptable" EU stance in negotiations with the Mercosur bloc for a free trade deal long delayed due to stated European environmental concerns.
The Treasury secretary will need to defend export controls and tariffs while explaining that the United States does not aim to harm China’s economy.
Nachdem die USA den Export von Hochleistungschips beschränkt haben, erschwert China die Ausfuhr wichtiger Rohstoffe. Nun will die Demokratische Republik Kongo in den Konflikt einsteigen
Pechino ha introdotto restrizioni alle esportazioni di gallio e germanio, elementi chimici cruciali per la realizzazione di semiconduttori avanzati, ma USA, Ue e Giappone non rimangono a guardare. Sale il livello di tensione della guerra commerciale tecnologica globale. A partire dal primo agosto, infatti, la Cina ha annunciato una stretta sull'export ...
So-called "shoppertainment", where content and commerce converge on a platform, has become the next era of online commerce, expected to be worth US$1 trillion across Asia-Pacific by 2025, says Sirinit Virayasiri, head of business marketing for Thailand TikTok.
International Finance Corp (IFC), a unit of the World Bank Group, is providing a US$105-million loan to Thai Credit Retail Bank Plc (Thai Credit) to support female entrepreneurs in Thailand.
China has announced restrictions on the export of gallium, germanium, and certain compounds in response to export bans imposed by the US and Japan on advanced chips and chip-making equipment. Starting August 1, Chinese chemical suppliers will need government licenses to export 38 products, including gallium nitride (GaN) and germanium ...
Mexican businesses have made significant investments of more than 30 billion euros (US$33 billion) in Spain, positioning Mexico as the sixth-largest investor in the country. The Spanish ambassador to Mexico, Juan Duarte Cuadrado, highlighted the growing interest of Mexican companies in investing in Spain, with over 500 established companies contributing ...
Dozens of lawmakers are seeking to loosen a law that limits long-distance flights to and from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. For some of them, success could mean a shorter commute.
Aby Česká republika nezmizela z mapy světové audiovize, jsou nevyhnutelné legislativní změny i způsob, jakým dosud fungoval pobídkový systém. Nově proto vznikne Státní fond audiovize, ze kterého budou podporovány čtyři pilíře: kromě klasické kinematografie také online filmová a televizní tvorba, animace nebo gaming. Přispívat do něj budou bez rozdílu české ...
As the largest economy in Latin America, the Brazilian government announced on Monday its commitment to spearheading efforts to promote local currencies and reduce reliance on the US dollar in trade among Mercosur countries. The initiative will be undertaken during Brazil's six-month presidency of Mercosur, which begins on Tuesday. Mercosur ...
Hyundai Motor Co. and its affiliate Kia Corp. said Tuesday their combined sales in the United States rose 9.9 percent in June from a year earlier on robust sales of SUVs and environment-friendly models. Last month, Hyundai and Kia sold 145,849 vehicl