Goldman Sachs: PIL Italia -11,6% nel 2020, rimbalzo nel 2021
(Teleborsa) - La crisi Coronavirus farà segnare al PIL italiano -11,6% nel 2020 e poi un rimbalzo a +7,9% l'anno successivo. Sono le stime di Goldman Sachs contenute nel suo Euopean Dealy che...
Russia USA
Petrolio, a picco la produzione Usa. Ma la Russia chiede tagli «veri»
La crisi dell’Oil&Gas sta provocando un crollo delle estrazioni senza precedenti negli Stati Uniti. All’Opec Plus e al G20 Washington proverà a presentarlo come il suo contributo al piano globale per risollevare il mercato
Novo saque do FGTS beneficiará até 60,2 milhões de trabalhadores
O novo saque do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) de até um salário mínimo (R$ 1.045) beneficiará até 60,2 milhões de trabalhadores, disse hoje (8) o secretário de Política Econômica do Ministério da Economia, Adolfo Sachsida. Segundo ele, os trabalhadores devem retirar até R$ 36,2 bilhões nos próximos meses, ...
OMC: Brasil pode ter retração de 11 pontos percentuais no PIB por pandemia
JPMorgan temporarily halts small business loans outside federal scheme
Biggest US bank only accepting applications for $350bn Paycheck Protection Program
India’s exporters face crunch as coronavirus pummels economy
Abrupt national lockdown puts 50m jobs at risk in textiles, shoemaking, jewellery and other consumer goods sectors
French firm in IEBC tender row to trade in Kenya again
Justice John Mativo yesterday found that Parliament had overstepped its mandate.
USA Corea del Sud Regno Unito
South Korea’s transformation is still fragile
WHEN PARK HYE-SOO was a young girl, her path to success seemed clearly defined. “My parents said, study hard, get into a good university and everything will be fine, so I was a good daughter and did that,” she says. “But when I finished I didn’t know what to do ...
Cina Corea del Sud
North Korea is changing, but still dangerous
IN THE SUMMER of 2019, South Koreans were shocked by the news that a North Korean woman, who had fled her country through China a decade before, had died with her young son in her flat in Seoul. Weeks passed before a building manager found the bodies. Authorities concluded she ...
Corea del Sud
Startups offer a different future for South Korea’s economy
Editor’s note: The Economist is making some of its most important coverage of the covid-19 pandemic freely available to readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. To receive it, register here. For our coronavirus tracker and more coverage, see our hub COUPANG, AN E-COMMERCE firm and South Korea’s most valuable ...