Honduran tourist city of Tela joins repeal of Development Zones
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "We oppose and reject that actions under the Law of Employment and Economic Development Zones should be implemented in the department of Atlántida, particularly in Tela, inasmuch as it represents a reduction of the national territory, surrender of sovereignty and violates the Constitution, Law of ...
São Paulo law banning the sale of fireworks that make noise takes effect
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The government of São Paulo published on Thursday (29) the law that prohibits the sale of fireworks that generate noise in the state. The text was approved by João Doria (PSDB) and published in the Official Gazette. Fireworks that produce only visual effects without popping ...
Government says Mexico’s economy is almost 100% of pre-pandidemic level
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexico's Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) said Thursday that economic activity is at 99.6 % of the pre-pandemic level and employment at 98.8% after the first half of 2021. "In the second quarter, economic activity continued on its recovery path and approached pre-pandemic ...
Global Education Summit; Sereni, dall'Italia 25 milioni nei prossimi 5 anni alla Global Partnership for Education
“Come già annunciato all'inizio di giugno, sono onorata e orgogliosa di confermare che aumenteremo il nostro contributo pluriennale alla Global Partnership for Education (GPE): contribuiremo con 25 milioni di euro per i prossimi 5 anni, di cui metà sarà dedicato all'educazione delle bambine in Africa.”...
La industria de flores en ecuador se inclina hacia el cáñamo a medida que disminuyen sus ventas
Turkish troops not to assume combat duty in Afghanistan: Ministry
Turkish troops will not engage in any combat operation duty other than self-defense if Turkey decides to run the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan, Defense Ministry spokeswoman Maj. Pınar Kara said on July 29.
Sarà complicato fare i conti con le conseguenze dei roghi in Sardegna
Le fiamme che hanno devastato l’isola avranno effetti che già ora è possibile intravedere sull’ambiente, sull’economia e sulla società. Cosa dicono gli esperti su quelli a breve e a lungo periodo, e su cosa fare in materia di prevenzione. Leggi
Jared Kushner to leave politics, launch investment firm with Israel focus
Kushner keen on opening an office in Israel to pursue regional investments to connect Israel's economy and India, North Africa and the Gulf, said sources familiar with the plan
Caged: Brasil gera 309 mil empregos formais em junho
O Brasil gerou 309.114 postos de trabalho em junho deste ano, resultado de 1.601.001 admissões e de 1.291.887 desligamentos de empregos com carteira assinada. No acumulado de 2021, o saldo positivo é de 1.536.717 novos trabalhadores no mercado formal. Os dados são do Ministério da Economia, que divulgou hoje (29) ...
TCU aprova concessão da via Dutra e da Rio Santos
O Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) aprovou o processo de concessão da rodovia BR-116/101/SP/RJ, a via Dutra, no trecho que liga as cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. O tribunal também aprovou o projeto de concessão à iniciativa privada da BR-101, a Rio-Santos, que vai de Santos ...