Latte: mercoledì 19 aprile parte obbligo etichetta Made in Italy
(Teleborsa) - Scatta l'obbligo di indicare obbligatoriamente in etichetta l'origine del latte e dei prodotti lattiero-caseari. Mercoledì 19 aprile entra infatti in vigore il decreto, in...
Opérateurs nationaux et partenaires étrangers dans le désarroi
L’enchaînement des annonces portant sur la restriction des importations avec l’objectif de porter la facture des importations à 15 milliards de dollars à fin 2017 suscite des inquiétudes chez les importateurs de produits alimentaires et les partenaires commerciaux de l’Algérie. Occupant la première place dans la structure des importations, les ...
USA Romania Bulgaria Malta Italia
Italians make up almost quarter of EU workers in Malta
There are almost 6,000 Italians working in Malta, making them the largest group of EU nationals earning a living here, official figures show. Italians made up almost a quarter of the 24,483 workers from the EU, according to statistics for September 2016. The British were the second largest group with 4,218 working ...
Cevital accusé de ne pas tenir ses engagements
Michel Nardini, 45 ans, a laissé sa famille durant ces fêtes pasquales pour observer un sit-in permanent dans la salle du conseil de la commune de Piombino, auprès de ses collègues de l’usine sidérurgique Aferpi (Aciérie et fer de Piombino). Fait inédit pour un Italien attaché aux traditions qui veulent ...
USA Malta Italia
Public land grant to Lidl ‘senseless and illogical’
The granting of a 10,000 square metre warehousing facility on public land in Ħal Far to giant food chain Lidl by Malta Enterprise has raised more eyebrows following a detailed report last week in The Malta Independent on Sunday.Further research on Lidl’s operations in Europe shows just how illogical it ...
New Milan owners to invest in stadium – CEO
The new Chinese owners of Milan plan to invest in a stadium and could eventually list the team on a stock market to help revive its fortunes, Milan’s chief executive-designate said yesterday. Marco Fassone, an experienced football executive hired by the Chinese-led consortium to turn around the once high-flying and now ...
United Nations chief warns that Libya risks a return to wide conflict
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is warning that Libya risks a return to widespread conflict, citing the volatile security situation in Tripoli and fighting in the eastern oil crescent and elsewhere.The U.N. chief expressed alarm in a report to the U.N. Security Council at the renewed military escalation and ongoing political stalemate in the ...
USA Malta Italia
Palumbo ranks third worldwide for cruise liner refitting
Palumbo Malta Shipyard has just placed third worldwide for cruise ship refitting, beating stiff competition from Marseille and Barcelona.The Maltese shipyard’s team of workers, operating from Cottonera, last year won contracts to refit and maintain four cruise liners — Costa NeoRiviera, Thomson Spirit, Mein Schiff 2 and Mein Schiff 3 ...
Germania Italia
Istat: 4,5 milioni di persone in povertà assoluta. Pil pro-capite sotto media Ue: -23% sulla Germania
La povertà assoluta in Italia nel 2015 coinvolgeva il 6,1% delle famiglie residenti (pari a 4 milioni 598 mila individui). È quanto risulta dal rapporto "Noi Italia"...
Bankitalia, la crescita resta moderata: pil +0,2%
L'Italia procede a crescita moderata, con un +0,2% atteso anche per il primo trimestre di quest'anno che, sia pure con «rischi al ribasso», non sembra scombussolare le stime del...