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  • Colombia Guatemala Panama Paesi Bassi Italia

    Generali chiude con l'Olanda

    (Teleborsa) - Dopo aver abbandonato il business in Guatemala, Colombia e Panama, il Gruppo Generali dice addio anche all'Olanda. Il Leone di Trieste ha firmato un accordo per la cessione della...

  • USA Malta Italia

    TMID Editorial: Migrants hit by NIMBY

    As soon as preparations were at hand to shift the residents of the Marsa Open Centre to Hal Far, a commitment of the Labour Party electoral manifesto, the residents of Birzebbuga rose in protest.Not In Our Back Yard (NIMBY) they seemed to say.Who can blame them? Hal Far already houses ...

  • Malta Italia

    We need a master plan to tackle migration issues – Chris Said

    Nationalist Party leadership contender Chris Said is all in favour of a master plan to tackle migration issues. In a statement, Said said that hundreds if not thousands of foreign workers are currently coming to Malta to look for work. This, in itself, is of course not a bad thing; ...

  • Italia

    Returned migrants are being robbed, raped and murdered in Libya

    Source: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Country: Libya, WorldThe UN human rights chief calls for serious action to protect the hundreds of thousands of migrants bottled up in Libya, who continue to die or be maltreated on land and at sea.Opinion by By Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, ...

  • Italia

    Le spectre du redressement budgétaire plane sur la rentrée

    Après une saison estivale mouvementée en termes d’annonces et de changements au sein du gouvernement et sur la scène économique, la rentrée sociale arrive sur fond d’une crise financière qui ne fait que s’accentuer et d’un plan de redressement douloureux dans un contexte politique et économique instable. En dehors des ...

  • Italia

    Licences d’importation : «Un mécanisme rigide et non optimal», selon les experts

    En matière d’importation, le gouvernement entend renforcer les capacités et les instruments de l’Administration des Douanes à la prévention des fraudes de surfacturation et à la mise en place de dispositions de sauvegarde destinées à réduire la facture des importations. De même que la promotion des productions locales, en substitution ...

  • Malta Italia

    TMID Editorial: The real situation at Marsa

    Some days ago, the mayor of Hamrun posted an outburst on Facebook about what the immigrants are doing to the Hamrun community.Unfortunately, he chose as his starting point the picture of the black drunk immigrant lying on the road in front of the Marsa church allegedly shouting Allahu Akbar. It ...

  • USA Italia

    TMID Editorial: Politics - Labour sitting pretty

    It has been nearly 100 days since the Labour Party handsomely defeated the Nationalist Party-Partit Demokratiku coalition in the general election with a staggering 35,000 votes, a slightly bigger margin than that obtained four years earlier.Since then, the Labour government has embarked on a continuation of its previous work, strengthened ...

  • USA Panama Malta Cipro Italia

    TMID Editorial: Money laundering - Something must be done to stop the rot

    The revelations that Italian mafia clans had set up an extensive money laundering ring in Malta are not new nor but the shock and concern over the state of affairs never abates.  The latest instalment in this sorry tale is this week’s report by Europol’s Financial Intelligence Group, which makes ...

  • Italia

    Mercato immobiliare UE: la crisi è finita, anche in Italia

    (Teleborsa) - Segnali di ripresa giungono finalmente dal mercato immobiliare europeo, dopo dieci anni di crisi. In tutti i comparti aumentano gli scambi e anche le quotazioni salgono più...

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